Community Development

MHU is committed to comply with regulations that relate to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and to obtain the social license to operate, as well as to undertake beyond-compliance initiatives as a good corporate citizen. To fulfil that mission, MHU always strives to consult and engage with its stakeholders.

To be able to manage the mine in accordance with the sustainability principles, MHU takes into account the environmental and social considerations, particularly understanding that the local community is highly dependent on natural resources. MHU is keen to live in harmony with the surrounding community so that they can feel the positive impact of MHU’s existence.

The commitment is materialized through social and community development programs that are founded on efforts to anticipate or minimize social impacts caused by the Company’s operation, to optimize local involvement in the supply chain, and to encourage self-reliance of the local community and organizations.  The programs are carried out both independently by MHU and through partnerships with the Government, local community, surrounding companies – coal mining, in particular, and other parties that share similar commitment in community development.